Sunday, February 8, 2009

Just a weekend update

I'd like to thank everyone who has visited my blog so far. Traffic has increased tremendously since SeriousSally put an ad up on the ENN website for me. Which by the way ENN is currently down and should be back Monday, I haven't any idea what in particular is going on Sally hasn't contacted or spoken to me (I've been studying for tests for the majority of the weekend), so please be patient I'm sure the site will come back and it will probably be bigger and better than ever.

On to ingame things.
Some of you may have noticed a jump in the price of Hurricanes in Jita over the weekend. That was my doing. There were about 15 with price ranges from 31 mil to 33 mil I believe with 2 at a higher price. I bought all 17 of them and stuck them on the market for about 40mil. I sold 5 of them immediately which pretty much insured that even if the market reflooded I'd come out profitable. Several sales later the market did reflood and the price adjusted to 36mil so I came out with something like 50mil profit which was nice and now there's some 100 Hurricanes jockeying for the lowest cost hoping that they can get in on the profit...MUHAHAHHA...ehhemm. But that's about as close to PVP I got this weekend sadly enough. I may be dropping my Analytic Philosophy class which would free up a ton of time for me to actually play EVE again, but I'm gonna give that class to the end of Feb... probably...maybe more the middleishend of February.

So being the busy diligent student I am I don't have time to sift through the hundred plus blogs at CK's blogroll but at the same time I really enjoy good blogs a recent favorite of mine is There will be pewpew... so if you check his blog out and my first post out that's the type of writing I enjoy, generally stories about piracy pvp etc. I'm not really a big fiction fan though My Mommy is Special at ENN was an amazing fiction peace that I enjoyed. But if you comment here with your blog link I'll be sure to check your stuff out and give it a good thorough looking over and I'll drop a comment.

More posts this week for sure I just have to get past tomorrow's exam.


  1. Thanks for the support bud, ill be sure to add your blog to my list

  2. Np man I really enjoy your pvp stories I wish I had more time to solo roam myself :(

  3. since you don't have time to sift through hundreds of blogs, you might enjoy occasionally watching the 'blogger stream' at :)
