I love the Falcon. When it was rebalanced to match the Rook's bonuses I knew that ship was a force to be reckoned with, pun intended. They are unmatched in small gang warfare and cause problems all around EVE and so I use to run 2 accounts out on roams. One pilot was in a DPS Deimos the other in a probing Falcon. I've always said the only way you can lose a Falcon is due to your own stupidity.
The kills.
Here's the KMs.
2009.01.08 07:48
Victim: Jade Elemental
Corp: Choadly Intentions
Alliance: None
Faction: NONE
Destroyed: Falcon
Security: 0.3
Damage Taken: 3260
Involved parties:
Ship: Thorax
Weapon: Limited Electron Blaster I
Damage Done: 3260
Ship: Falcon
Weapon: ECM - Phase Inverter II
Damage Done: 0
2009.01.29 02:45
Victim: KingDiomedes
Corp: SniggWaffe
Alliance: None
Faction: NONE
Destroyed: Falcon
Security: 0.3
Damage Taken: 3376
Involved parties:
Ship: Thorax
Weapon: Regulated Electron Phase Cannon I
Damage Done: 1920
Ship: Eagle
Weapon: 250mm Railgun II
Damage Done: 602
Ship: Rapier
Weapon: Rapier
Damage Done: 455
Ship: Incursus
Weapon: Incursus
Damage Done: 399
The first kill came early January. I was bouncing around in my home system. An Arbitrator warped suspiciously close to me. He locked and with a few other corp members in system I figured it wouldn't be an issue. Some 3 other ships arrived to support me. Then the Falcon uncloaked. He jammed me and with a plate tank equipped and Arbitrator drones on me, my Thorax was bound to go down. So we disengaged and ran my ship being the only loss. About an hour later one of our guys called comms and asked for assistance the same 2 ships had appeared and were attacking him. I saw an opportunity for revenge so I warped in. At this belt we had a AF which was under attack and a Falcon who was providing support trying to get the AF safe. As I warp in the AF warps out and our Falcon calls out that he has a jam on the enemy Falcon. At this point I'm 30km away with a 9km scram on. I'm closer to the Arbitrator as well. Our Falcon pilot is calling for me to get the hell out of there. I make the decision to stay, I lock and burn my MWD to the Falcon calling out, "If you wanna run go ahead but I think I can take this fucker." I knew full well that my Falcon pilot wouldn't leave a man behind so he says, "I'll keep him locked as long as I can." I bump him web and scram running, drones out and guns blazing he goes down quick and the Arbitrator warps out. After some local chat it becomes apparent it was a single player with two accounts. He made the assumption that he wouldn't get jammed by our Falcon much less perma jammed. When he got jammed I was 30km away, imo he should have warped out the second he was jammed no one had his Arbitrator or Falcon scrammed so he could've made it out. But he got greedy and figured our Falcon pilot would lose jam and he could swing the battle back in his favor. His mistake.
The second kill is from this week. My long time partner in crime Joe asked me to hop on my pvp character so we could take an opportunity for some kills. The situation was there was a Thantos on station engaged by a relatively small fleet of battleships. They had the carrier bumped off station and it was gonna go down. A second carrier joined the fight to save the first. With the BS fleet was a falcon providing ewar support and ofc it was about 150km off the carriers. An Eagle apparently joined the side of the carriers and was attempting to snipe the Falcon but the Falcon secured a jam on it after a few volleys. Joe warped in with his Rapier and began moving toward the Falcon. Now I gotta give this man props. He's a great pirate, highly skilled, very cunning, and has an outstanding record. He's the one that got me into solo pirating; he and I jumped into small gang warfare as well learning off each other's FC style. I've learned a great deal from this man and I'll follow him where ever he wants to go in EVE. Now enough bromance. Joe warped in from a point to align himself with the Falcon with our POS, elaborate to say the least. This way I could warp to him at 100km and hot drop on the Falcon. It's a risky move, you aren't guaranteed to drop in close enough, which can be a real problem, even falling 10km off the target can be enough for them to escape. Joe calls out that we should be good to go, by this time a fellow corp member has joined us as a quick tackle. Joe said we may be a bit off though. So I asked if he could look at the Falcon and see if it was actively aligned to anything. He responds "It's not." So we warp. The Incursus beats me there but we fall out 20km away. We both have 9km scrams. I lock, approach, immediately hit my MWD, turn my guns on, release my drones, set them to attack, and watch the distance so I can get a point on him as soon as I'm in range. The Incursus barely beats me to the point we lock him down and he's a wreck within seconds. I loot the sucker and warp. During all this Joe had uncloaked and provided some DPS via artillery. We warp back to see if we could pick off the Eagle but having just seen us shred a Falcon in seconds he decides it's time to leave. The icing on the cake was that the Falcon pilot and BSs are a rival pirate corp that we engage with frequently so being able to ninja that kill was oh so satisfying.
The moral of these two stories is if you are a Falcon pilot always be aligned to a safe spot and never assume you're unbeatable, cause if you do its likely your stupidity will get you killed.
Meilleur Abonnement IPTV -
3 years ago
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