The good.
So at the advice of my professor I'm dropping my most difficult class, which means much much more free time. Free time to write to play EVE etc.
The bad.
I'm horrendously sick. Coughing up thick yellow liquid. I think I have an upper respiratory infection.
The ugly.
I'm losing ships left and right this week. Lost six thoraxes in the past 3 days and one a few days before that but each not without its lesson. And seven kills in the past 3 days as well.
332 Mil in damages in three days (would've been 410mil cept I never actually hit the Lachesis we killed so I wasn't on that mail)
122 mil in losses.
I've been sick and haven't had proper pvp in about a month easily aside from the random 20mins I hop on to see if there are any targets in my home system or in my corp is ganged up. All of which consists of warp, lock, point, web, shoot, so no real tactical thought required. Hence my rustiness and the consequent losses.
First main loss was a 1v1 against a rupture. It was very close. I was at a planet ready for him to drop in on me. He does we both go through the appropriate actions, lock, point, web. At this point I'm not using a scram so his overheating MWD starts to get out of my web range but he soon abandons that tactic fearing his module will get destroyed. His ECM drones break my lock a few times severally hindering my DPS as his T2 autocannons rip through my 800mm plate. We both get into structure he wins the race.
I changed tactics and equip a scram, medium ECM drones, drop a mag stab for a reactor control and 1600mm plate and head back out a day later.
This time I ran into an Ishkur. I knew my ECM drones would break his lock enough for me to stay relatively safe but the first lock he gets I'm getting drone aggro. No biggie though we duke it out every shot he gets he's relocking and firing with blasters, problem is I've stopped doing damage I had him at about 50% shields and being Gallante I still had a long way to go but he starts gaining shields back and my DPS is totally neutralized. So I'm trying to figure it out and I stay when I should've abandoned my drones and saved my ass. A Caracal shows up as I'm at 25% armor and going down. It was a bitter loss especially since my drones decided to stop working once I was ready to run.
A couple of solo easy kills. A Caracal warps to a belt at 0km sitting right next to me and looking oh so delicious so he dies quickly. Today I'm looking for a Blackbird and I'm ready for the ECM off. I poke around a few belts and planets and catch him at a planet at 0km dropping a probe. I go through the actions and he pops quick. The KM reveals nothing but probes which I happily scoop and move on making a few mil easily. I lose that loot and my Thorax to a Brutix which I pounce on despite 20+ in system. I GTA (go through the actions), he drops Medium ECM drones as I cry. He's got me in such a stranglehold its not even funny. I get a small window to lay my ECM drones on him and do so but to no avail. I pop before his Abbandon and Hawk friends can warp to him.
This morning I pop in to a neighboring system to see what can't be had. I find a Caracal, Vexor, and Enyo. I finally get a look at all three of them and warp to the belt. We have the Caracal getting popped quickly by the Enyo as the Vexor moves off. I lock the Vexor approach, he drops ECM drones as do I we burn towards each other I get with in blaster range and open up he starts go to down when I get jammed it starts looking a bit hairy for me. I'm taking a bit too much damage when I realize I've grabbed an old Thorax with an 800 plate. Cursing my oversight I look for an exit. He doesn't have me webbed so I stream away I hit my MWD and that roars to life to my delight so I decide its time to move a bit faster and hit the overheat. I say a prayer for my drones as I enter warp hoping that the Vexor pilot will put them to good use. I say gf in local he responds "You're quick" and I bring to his attention he could've caught me had he realized that I was running instead he just had chose a direction to burn at rather than orbit or keep at range. He responds "I won't make that mistake again," and I hope he doesn't cause next time I'll use a fake run to lure him closer. I refit and grab more drones and I hope I run into that Vexor pilot again so I can show him the real power of my Desert Punk.
Tonight was eventful, that Blackbird kill came first and then the loss to the Brutix. But after that things got interesting. A Drake warped to 0km IGTA and call my three other pilots. I'm hammering this Drake when we get visited by a Lachesis our fleet splits DPS. As the Lachesis is going down and the drake is getting in the redzone as a Vagabond decides to cause some havoc by joining the fight. Literally I pop the Drake and right after the Vaga has be going down quick. I don't last long but run back to the station with my GCC grab another Thorax and undock. We are still chasing the Vagabond around as a Slepnir shows up I chase the Slepnir and we get too far off our fleet's Scorpion and the ECM jam drops and I lose my 3rd Thorax of the night. :( We kill the Vagabond though. I had 20k damage done to the Drake btw I got to sit at optimal and just tear through his sheilds which means if I get the chance I plan to solo the next drake I run into.
As this was being written I lost ANOTHER Thorax. A Deimos in system with have 2 AFs my Thorax and a Scorpion. Plan is bait Deimos jam bam leave. A Falcon uncloaks with the Deimos though and I lose my fourth Thorax of the night. Then they proceed to lol FW gank us and smack talk in local. Personally I think FW people are noobs. They generally blob and move through low sec using no tactics other than numbers and are all around annoying. They ruin real pirate fun then smack talk like they are super 1337. I'll give props, they caught me, they even caught a few people in my 5 man fleet. But it doesn't make us bad pirates and it doesn't make them super 1337 pvpers. We have under 5 in fleet they have 15 plus we lost I believe 2 ships they lost 1. Either way it drives me nuts when FW blobs shit talk small pirate corps. They pulled my pvp toon up on Battleclinc (Mind you one of my 2 pvp toons) With a pretty even 1:1 loss to kill ratio but a huge difference in ISK Destroyed as opposed to ISK Lost 3bil:1.3bil not stellar but I don't do big fleets. I don't do alliance battles where I get on 50 KMs a week. I play an hour or two a day to lose ships and have some fun. As you can tell they got under my skin.
Any way I'll end with something fun and amusing, to encourage comments :), I'll dish out 2 mil to the person who can guess the reference of these ship names. I ask you only guess at one ship name to give others a chance and then after 12 hours of this post being up you can take a second guess at one. These are some names of my Thoraxes, Deimoses, Pilgrims, Falcons, Arbitrators etc.
Never Knows Best
Desert Punk
Lord Canti
Alucard's Rewolfyam
Nothing is Forever
And this one I just wanted to share for the lolz
More like a Whorax
OH and some shameless self promoting I produce cruisers for my corp and alliance. Currently I build a lot and since I've acquired even more BPO's due to a friend quiting I have extra that I can sell. Currently I can produce the following in bulk Arbitrator, Vexor, Thorax, Caracal, Omen, Maller, Rupture, Stabber, Drake. Minimum order of 10 per ship type Email me at for more info
So after receiving another Thorax I hooked up with the 3 people still online at this crazy hour (3 am when I logged back on to check skills). They fleeted me and told me to hurry the hell up. We tried at a few ships here and there then came across a Myrmidon in a belt, a pilot we've murdered oh so many times before. We get a point and start warping in etc. One of our pilots warps to zero and bumps a cloaked Arazu which we proceed to pop. I made a point to sick my ECM drones on it so I could be attached on the KM, I had orders to primary the Myrm but since the Myrm was already ECMd I figured getting some Arazu action couldn't hurt. Myrm was using 2 T2 repps 2 Electrochemical Medium Cap Boosters with 800s loaded had 2x Nano Pump Rig and a Nanobot Accel Rig. He was taking some massive damage but we soon put him down.
This totally lightened up my mood *\o/* (Watching the final four episodes of Gurren Laggan helped) Adding 280mil more to my damage for the past few days. HALF A BILL IN DAMAGES SUCK ON THAT FACTION WAR PUNKS!!
Note: If you are or have ever been in FW please note you are possibly not a noob and/or punk but it is a high probability that you do or have associated with such characters. If this is the case, which it most assuredly is, you are then in fact guilty by association, making you a noob and/or punk.
Meilleur Abonnement IPTV -
3 years ago
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